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About Us

Yeshiva Elementary School offers a vibrant and complete Torah education in a warm and nurturing atmosphere. Strong emphasis is focused on the individual student, personal character development, and academic growth.

Founded in 1987, Yeshiva Elementary School has grown to approximately 500 students. Now housed in a fully equipped complex, we are able to provide students with an atmosphere conducive to growth and learning.  Our graduates have gone on to achieve success in Torah learning and academic accomplishments, and have become valuable contributors to Jewish life around the world.  With over 20 years of graduates, Yeshiva Elementary School continues to show its commitment to preparing the next generation of involved and dedicated Jewish leaders.

Our devoted rebbeim and caring teachers are renowned for their dedication and for the personalized attention given to each student.  Yeshiva Elementary School looks forward to treating your children as our own.  That’s the secret to our success at Yeshiva Elementary School.   

Our Vision

All Y.E.S. students successfully participate in a nurturing, child-centered program in which they acquire and apply a comprehensive knowledge of a dual-curriculum and a passion for Torah values.”  

Our Goals

The following are the measurable means by which we fulfill our mission and vision:  

1. The administration will attract and retain a qualified and effective staff.  

2. The administrative and teaching staff will ensure a well-balanced curriculum and a quality instructional program.  
3. The administration and teaching staff will maintain an orderly, well-structured atmosphere for learning.        

4. Students' behavior in and out of school will reflect an understanding of and commitment to the Torah's standards of ethics and religious observance.  

5. Students will exceed national norms in all subjects.  

6. Parents and other members of the community will be active partners in the ongoing improvement of the school.  
7. The organization and management of all levels of the educational system will be productive, efficient and accountable.

Our Vision
Our Goals

Our Mission

Yeshiva Elementary School is dedicated to providing a complete Jewish and General Education in an atmosphere that encourages an outlook and conduct based on Torah values.


It is our mission to nurture students; to teach them the importance of their Jewish heritage; to provide excellence in education and to foster an environment which allows each student to grow academically, socially and morally throughout their developing years and beyond.


We believe that Torah scholarship and general studies are complementary in molding knowledgeable, committed and productive members of the Torah community.

Our Mission

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Girls & Preschool Campus

 Girls School & Preschool

Boys Campus

Boys Elementary School

Boys Middle  School

Supporting & Conjunctive Organizations

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